How to Promote Employee Growth? 14 Effective Ways - Ajackus

How to Promote Employee Growth? 14 Effective Ways

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Siddhesh Patankar

Aug 12, 2022·8 mins read

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    Employee growth is a joint initiative of both companies and team members to enhance an individual’s existing skills. In order to prevail in the industry, individuals must consistently develop new skills.

    Fewer of today’s careers include repetitive tasks and depend more on expanding their knowledge base. Going beyond the work requirements, associates need to follow new trends in their industry and understand the business markets as well. This upskilling enables associates to match emerging career needs.

    According to the Upskilling Outlook in India report by Great Learning, 79% of professionals, tech and otherwise, including freshers, intend to upskill. Learning and development have become the most important aspects when candidates decide where to work.

    The candidates set their sights on a company that invests in employee growth. Having a proactive approach in terms of the growth strategies of team members, Ajackus drives more productivity. In addition, Ajackus has a superb associate retention of 93%.

    Let us have an insight into the program and see how it benefits the team members.

    What constitutes employee career growth?

    image showing employe career graph
    Image Source: LTEN

    Employee career growth encompasses the process through which employees acquire new skills and expand their knowledge to advance their careers with the support and guidance of their employers. It forms an integral part of the overall employee experience, necessitating employer support and guidance, and aligning with employees’ goal-setting and career trajectories.

    This developmental process empowers employees to enhance their skills for better performance in their current roles, acquire new skills for transitioning into different positions (reskilling), and attain additional capabilities to address organizational gaps (upskilling).

    Employee training and development manifest in various forms, including onboarding, on-the-job training, classroom and online learning, shadowing, coaching and mentoring, exposure to different organizational departments, participation in industry conferences, and cross-training.

    These diverse approaches allow employees to perceive and engage with people and the organization in diverse ways, facilitating the expansion of their skills and knowledge for professional and personal growth.

    Significance of Employee Development for Organizations

    Employee career growth, or employee development, holds significance for both employees and organizations, and several key reasons underscore its importance:

    Skill Enhancement

    Continuous learning and growth enable employees to acquire new skills and information essential for developing the company’s culture. By investing in employee development, organizations ensure their staff remains adaptable, versatile, and capable of addressing evolving challenges.

    Talent Retention

    Providing opportunities for employee development enhances job satisfaction and contributes to talent retention. Employees are more inclined to stay and contribute their skills and knowledge when they perceive a clear path for advancement within the organization.

    Increased Employee Engagement

    Employee engagement and motivation rise when individuals have opportunities for growth. A clear link between efforts, development, and job progression encourages dedication and passion, leading to more engaged and driven employees.

    Improved Performance

    Positive effects on employee performance result from employee development. As employees acquire new skills, they become more proficient in their roles, translating to increased productivity and efficiency. Additionally, growth prospects instill a sense of purpose and motivation, fostering higher-quality work and innovation.

    Enhanced Organizational Performance

    Employee development directly contributes to organizational performance improvement. It leads to heightened productivity, superior customer service, and overall company success. Employees, equipped with new skills and knowledge, become more efficient, creative, and capable of undertaking additional responsibilities.

    Succession Planning

    Employee development plays a pivotal role in identifying and nurturing future leaders. Organizations establish a robust leadership pipeline by cultivating talent from within, ensuring a smooth transition for crucial roles, and mitigating risks associated with unexpected vacancies.

    At Ajackus, we prioritize employee career growth and development, yielding multifaceted benefits and creating a dynamic and thriving organizational environment.

    14 Effective Ways to Boost Employee Growth

    Image Source: Samelane

    Let us have a look at some of the other effective ways in which a company can contribute to upskilling.

    Learning Management Systems

    With learning management systems, companies establish effective learning platforms, fostering employee growth. This gives the team members an immense opportunity to go over training procedures.

    While giving access to learning assets, companies also include live interactive Webinars, contributing to ongoing employee growth. Moreover, with the help of evaluations, the company assesses the team’s learning curve, tailoring employee growth paths according to individual skill sets.

    In order to create such tailored learning, Ajackus designed a Learning Management System like LearnVilla (a proprietary platform). However, companies often pick the right channel instead of making one to support employee growth.

    Offering Challenging Projects

    Team members often love to be challenged as it denotes and allows them to expand their capabilities, contributing to continuous employee growth. Hence, the companies assign advanced projects and trust their people to come through.

    Of course, mentoring while they take up the projects goes a long way in employee growth and development. The team members learn and share skills throughout this process while enhancing their abilities. Moreover, the companies can attach rewards and awards to this initiative to motivate employee growth further.

    Taking a personal interest in career goals

    The companies stay attuned to their team member’s career goals and expectations, promoting a supportive environment for ongoing employee growth. This kind of support helps the team members feel valued and recognized. Knowing how important it is to communicate, Ajackus often includes regular one-on-one meetings between the remote tech team members.

    This is in order to outline and align a potential career path, fostering continuous employee growth. Consistent encouragement toward career advancement helps team members engage more in the company.

    Constructive feedback

    Companies ought to offer regular feedback to their team members, providing a crucial element for ongoing employee growth. A study carried out by Wakefield Research suggests that 90% of employees benefit from constructive criticism, demonstrating its impact on employee growth.

    With positive feedback, companies help people perform better and improve their development. Ajackus believes this positive reinforcement approach is a small step to bring about a big positive change, emphasizing the importance of continuous employee growth.

    However, the key to this process is to offer enough time for your team members to grow after each feedback.

    Soft skill development

    Image Source: Ignite Training

    Soft skills are often undermined in the corporate world, yet they are pivotal in ongoing employee growth. However, these are closely related to personality traits. These include communication, leadership, proper delegation of work, and, most importantly, time management.

    Ajackus recognizes these soft skills in its teams and offers the right training tools to enhance them, contributing to enhanced productivity across the company and fostering continuous employee growth.

    Facilitate Professional Guidance

    Fostering employee growth within the workplace involves implementing coaching and mentoring initiatives for business leaders. Instead of inundating staff with constant directives, collaboration with employees to establish robust professional relationships is essential. Adopting coaching principles in management relies on an effective education, direction, and communication framework.

    Diversify Employee Skillsets

    In the current digital era, the boundaries between roles have blurred, necessitating a focus on comprehensive business education. Cross-training across various business functions fosters a working culture founded on mutual appreciation and communication. A notable example of this dynamic is evident in the restaurant industry, where chefs and servers traditionally hold distinct perspectives on their roles. Cross-training staff in such scenarios provides firsthand experience, fostering mutual understanding and enhancing overall employee growth and business efficiency.

    Establish Mentorship Pairings

    Beyond conventional training programs and conferences, staff development thrives on mentorship relationships. Identifying individuals in similar or desired future roles contributes to positive and productive working relationships. Mentorship not only aids in learning but also provides encouragement and support for career advancement.

    By aligning coaching with encouragement and goal-setting, employees contribute to the business’s adaptability and success while advancing in their own careers, fostering continuous employee growth.

    Encourage Conferencing and Networking

    Support employee growth by sending them to virtual conferences or requiring travel. During such events, employees can connect with like-minded individuals and glean insights from external sources and thought leaders, benefiting the business. Providing opportunities for staff to expand their knowledge base while enjoying a break from routine enhances their professional growth.

    Demonstrate Trust and Value

    Image Source: Achievers

    To nurture employee growth, demonstrate trust and value in their capabilities by allowing autonomy and modeling expected behavior. Regular check-in meetings and “stay interviews” offer platforms for listening to employee sentiments, addressing concerns, and reinforcing a positive attitude toward their growth, development, and contributions.

    This approach communicates the organization’s commitment to credibility and trust and fosters a sense of ownership among employees, promoting overall employee growth.

    Acknowledge Accomplishments

    Boost employee retention rates by emphasizing the significance of individual contributions by regularly celebrating achievements. Acknowledging success positively influences future productivity, creating a culture of hard work and reward.

    Introducing varying levels of achievement and offering substantial rewards at higher tiers encourages consistent effort and loyalty among the workforce, contributing to sustained employee growth.

    Continuously Identify Growth Avenues

    Staying attuned to evolving HR trends is crucial for any successful business. Consistently updating and refining professional development strategies ensures that employees, as invaluable assets, receive due regard for their organization’s growth. By recognizing the importance of employee growth, businesses can adapt to changes effectively and elevate their success to new levels.

    Embrace Transparency

    Maintain employee satisfaction by transparently communicating opportunities for progression within the organization. Rather than vague promises, provide clear insights into promotion pathways, allowing employees to make informed decisions about their commitment to the company and their individual paths of growth.

    Partnership Program at Ajackus

    At Ajackus, we believe in creating a rewarding atmosphere for our team members. The efforts and dedication do not go unrecognized. Hence, in order to value the efforts, Ajackus introduced the Partnership Program.

    This initiative is quite revolutionary and is exclusive to Ajackus. With this, the individuals can gain the title of Partner within just one year of association with the company. It opens doors to enormous global opportunities.

    Along with this, the team members get greater decision-making authority while gaining greater ownership of work. This program is an equal means to becoming an entrepreneur. In addition to the exceptional benefits Ajackus offers monetary gains, the Partners share a percentage of the benefits of all the profits.

    Ajackus offers a place to be yourself while promoting employee growth and progression.

    Likewise, every company should have its unique set of initiatives that drive its employees towards empowerment. A substantial amount of time and energy needs to be invested.


    Companies keep hold of their team members with consistent efforts toward their professional and personal development. Successful employee retention can be accomplished by celebrating associates’ successes, offering opportunities, regular constructive feedback, etc. The company can form its strategies utilizing various unique methods such as Ajackus’ Partnership Program.

    At Ajackus, we strive to support upskilling team members with work skills by creating a culture that encourages training and clear communication. It is our duty to offer team members benefits that are innovative, inclusive, and futuristic. We achieve this with constant professional development initiatives.

    Want to build a strong and efficient remote team? Get in touch with us.

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