Integrated Digital Technology Solutions | Integrated Training - Ajackus

Integrated Training

We boost your extended technology teams' skills for the future with thoughtfully designed training modules, helping them stay updated.

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To improve synergy among teams

With remote technology teams, organizations commonly experience gaps in communication and expectations which can be eliminated through training.

To achieve maximum talent retention

Statistics say that 94% of employees stay longer with an organization if investment is made in training.

To deliver your growth commitment

The growth and nourishment required by your teams is often overlooked due to the distance and lack of engagement. Training can fulfill that commitment.

To increase productivity

Skill upgradation ensures better productivity and training empowers teams into achieving that.


Training elevates dedication and ensures seamless remote work culture within teams. Learn how we make it instrumental in realizing your business goals.


Remote Work Training

We have thoroughly created training modules for engineers to eliminate issues ranging from inconvenience during virtual meetings to friction while working in different time zones.

Skill Level Training

We have intricately designed custom modules, availed technical courses on Udemy and Pluralsight, and organised soft skill training for upskilling talents.

Designation Level Training

We have created sessions, workshops and exercises promoting leadership skills as well as team spirit among different roles.

Cultural Training

We ensure cultural learning and inheritance of knowledge and values of your organisation in talents along with policies and exercises enabling mental, physical, cultural, and strategic benefits.